A New Chapter
/Pam and I have decided to step aside at English Christian Fellowship and return full-time to the USA. Our last Sunday with ECF will be May 18. The congregation is aware of this and a search process for a new Senior Pastor has been initiated.
This decision has not come easily. We have loved serving at ECF. God is doing amazing things. When we arrived 3½ years ago, there was only a tiny handful attending.
Now, ECF is averaging 140+ every Sunday and the Spirit is palpable. Our services are a beautiful tapestry of love, grace and the Word of God. New people visit every week. The room is full, the joy is manifest and the fellowship is warm and welcoming.
ECF now has all the core ministries of a thriving international church: worship, kids, welcome, groups, missions, communications, social media, men’s, women’s, prayer and translation. The leadership base is solid.
The church is also on sound footing financially. In our first year in Costa Rica, over 75% of the church’s income came from sources outside the church…primarily from our friends in the USA. Now, over 95% of the church’s giving comes from people within the church. This has been a beautiful transformation. We thank God that ECF is now self-supporting and has a sustainable income stream.
With ECF being in such a healthy position, Pam and I sensed a release to pass the baton so we can relocate closer to our family. We are very much looking forward to being more accessible to our kids and grandkids. We will live in the Santa Rosa, CA area, near our daughter Christina and her family.
Pam has already given us a beachhead. She has rented a small apartment in Santa Rosa and is purchasing the plethora of things required to equip a home. The only things we will ship back to the USA are knick-knacks and wall hangings. We feel like newly-weds all over again!
Please pray for the following…
• Pam and I will both be in the USA March 4-24. Pray for us as we seek God’s direction about permanent housing and continue to get settled.
• We will return to Costa Rica on March 24. Pray that our final two months of ministry with ECF are fruitful. We want to do everything possible to encourage our church family during this season. We also want to ensure a seamless transition for the new Senior Pastor.
• Pray, also, for what God is preparing for us upstream. In no way do I believe that God is calling me to step out of vocational ministry. I love serving and leading and building healthy ministries! So, I will be keeping my eyes open to God’s leading in the coming months.
We will keep you posted. God is on the throne. The season in Costa Rica has been phenomenal. But the best is always yet to come!
Steve and Pam