I Love Baptisms!

I have had a conflicted relationship with baptism. For most of my ministry career, I served within a fellowship of churches that historically, in my humble opinion, over-emphasized baptism. Baptism was called, by some, an essential step of salvation. I recall one well-known leader saying that it was actually in the waters of baptism that salvation occurred.

In contrast, I have been a firm believer my entire life in the historic Reformation position that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone. Baptism is an important step of obedience, but not linked to salvation.

When we launched Summit, I wrote a series of teaching documents to articulate our church’s position on several key issues. The first one I wrote was on baptism. The primary reason I wrote it was to keep people from my denominational heritage from filtering into Summit and confusing people with an over-emphasis on baptism.

At one point, a couple wrote Summit’s church planting agency a letter with a $50 donation. They explained that they wanted their donation used to plant a church with “correct” doctrine on baptism…not a Baptist church like Summit.

At another point, I was involved briefly in a tug-of-war about baptism in our fellowship’s national magazine. He was a titan in our brotherhood and I was a nobody. But I stood my ground. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone. Baptism is a step of obedience in response to being born again through faith in Jesus.

But it’s not as if I have underplayed the importance of baptism. To the contrary, by God’s grace, I have seen thousands of people baptized in the ministries I have overseen. I used to chuckle to my friends by saying, “For a church that doesn’t ‘believe in baptism,’ Summit certainly does baptize a whole lot of people!”

That journey joyfully continues at English Christian Fellowship in Costa Rica. This past weekend, we baptized 14 people. Some were baptized on Saturday morning as part of my Rooted group. Others were baptized on Sunday before church. In each case, it was beautiful to see people step forward in their faith by publicly declaring their allegiance to Jesus through the waters of baptism.

What a weekend of celebration!  

On another note, some will recall the eventful saga to obtain my Costa Rica Drivers License. It has been nearly a one-year journey with multiple trips to multiple offices and paying multiple people. Today, I am happy to report, I finally received my license.

But it wasn’t without its pitfalls. Last night as I was reviewing my documents for this morning’s “final” appointment, I realized the medical exam had lapsed that I was required to have. It’s only valid for six months and my process had taken much longer than that.

As a result, I got up early, skipped the gym, and went to the DMV yet again. I arrived at 7:00 AM and was able to get a new exam. (To be honest, it’s quite humorous to call it “medical exam.” But that’s another story.)

From there, I headed over to the bank for my “final” appointment. I arrived at 7:30 AM and my appointment was not until 9:20 AM. So, I sat in a corner market drinking hot chocolate until I began waiting in the bank line at 8:30 AM. Finally, I was called to the appropriate desk at 9:30 AM. Ten minutes later, I walked out with my Costa Rican Drivers License. Finally!

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, when these things happen, quite often Pam and I look at each other and say, “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

But we’re still enjoying the adventure!  
