Surrender...Pam's Perspective

God is never finished with us.  Even in our 60’s the transformation of God’s hand is still at work.  We came to Costa Rica to pastor a small English-speaking church.  We felt that with our previous experience living overseas, knowing Spanish, and 40+ years of full-time ministry, we were equipped to do the task.  Yes, these things have made a difference. But there is another reason God brought us here.  

  In past blogs we have mentioned some of the struggles we have encountered these past eight months.  Throughout this season, God has been at work in our hearts, chipping away and sandpapering the still rough edges of our souls.  The results have been a deepening peace that passes all understanding, a settled contentment in the comings and goings of our daily life, an enriching of our marriage, and a sweeter grasp of the loving heart of our Lord. 

  How did these lovely gifts emerge from the struggles? I can tell you in one word:  Surrender.  It has been the most important key to weathering the ups and downs of a new culture, living long distance from family, and getting older.

  Surrender.  Not a popular word.  We like to be in control and have our own way.  But God has been calling me to his purposes in the good and in the difficult. He’s been calling me to surrender things I’ve been made aware of in my heart that are not pleasing to him. He’s been calling me to surrender my perspective and my attitude. 

  Surrender.  It is necessary on many levels.  The less of my junk that I’m carrying in “my trunk” the more Christ has of me.  The more I give to Jesus, the more of me he controls. 

  Surrendering the situation, the person, how I feel, what I don’t understand, what people think and say, and then asking God what else I need to surrender has made my spirit lighter, freer. 

  A Christian writer from long ago, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, put it this way: “Do what you are doing, suffer what you are suffering, only your heart need be changed… for this change consists in desiring everything that God ordains. Yes, holiness is a will disposed to conform to God’s.”   

  So, I’m learning to cohabitate with geckos in my house.  I know they eat bugs and I am thankful they do.  I would just prefer not to see them in my house.  Surrender.   

  When I try to make things all about me.  Surrender. 

  Times of loneliness.  Surrender. 

 Recipes that don’t work in Costa Rica. Surrender. 

  Spanish words that are different than Chilean Spanish.  Surrender. 

Being misunderstood.  Surrender. 

  Being treated rudely because I’m a North American.  Surrender. 

  If you were to ask me what the key to an abundant life is, I would answer:  Surrender, surrender, and then surrender some more to Jesus.