A Divided Nation
/Never has the United States of America been so un-united. The current political and social climate throughout our nation is rife with acrimony, turmoil, vitriol and fear. At the risk of alienating friends on both sides of the aisle, I would like to offer some perspective.
First and foremost, God rules and reigns above all nations…including the USA. Daniel 2:21 needs to be etched into our hearts and minds in the next several months. God “changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.”
Some would say the last presidential election was stolen. Others would say that the current president saved the nation from tyranny. Both sides fall woefully short as they faithlessly shout ire at each other forgetting the pre-eminency of God.
God alone raises up kings and takes them down. Just as surely as the Bible asserts that God raised up Donald Trump as POTUS in 2017, he also raised up Joe Biden in 2021.
Who God allows to become the nation’s next President remains to be seen. But of this we can be certain: God alone raises up kings and takes them down.
Because of this certainty, I plead with my Jesus-following friends: Let us reduce the rhetoric and vitriol. A couple of Scriptures quickly come to mind…
“Do not let any unwholesome words come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.” (Ephesians 4:29) Those who name Jesus as Lord are never to demean, belittle or otherwise disparage anyone. This includes former President Trump and current President Biden.
In laymen’s terms, we need to chill the badmouthing. The verbal disdain that my friends who vote Blue have toward former President Trump is shocking. And it is exceedingly dishonoring of King Jesus.
On the other hand, the mocking and denigrating of President Biden by my friends who vote Red is equally dishonoring to God.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Peter wrote to early Christ followers who were subject to the tyranny of Nero. Among many other heinous crimes, Nero would strap the living bodies of Christians on stakes, douse their bodies with oil and light them on fire to illuminate his evening garden parties.
Knowing this, Peter writes: “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.” (1 Peter 2:17)
Whether our President is Blue or Red, obedient Jesus-followers must “honor the emperor.” There is no fine print that allows an exception to this no matter how passionately we may feel. This includes what we say to others and what we post on social media.
One final thought. I am old enough the remember the tumultuous protest marches against the Viet Nam War. I can recall the rancorous Chicago Democratic Party Convention in 1968. The Chicago police were viewed as thugs and the rioters were heroes. At times, it felt like our nation was coming apart at the seams.
But I do not remember the turmoil of that season reaching the level of today’s verbal savagery. Over and over, I hear overwrought people (both Red and Blue) screaming that the future of our democracy is at stake in the upcoming election. Really?
Is God dead? Has he taken a vacation?
If the future of our nation is ultimately in the hands of either Trump or Biden (or anyone else other than God), we would be in a very sad plight.
Dear readers, God is good. God is faithful. God is in control.
Would everyone please take a long, deep breath?