An Amazing Opportunity

Recently, I was asked if English Christian Fellowship would host a Remembrance Day/Veteran’s Day Commemoration Service. The holiday was originally known as Armistice Day to celebrate the end of WWI. Hence, the symbol of poppies which grew on the battlefields after WWI ended. It has since morphed to honor all veterans.

The service was held this past Sunday…and was it ever fun! Various groups of English-speaking veterans and embassy representatives participated. The Ambassador from Britain was present, along with the Chargés from the embassies of the US, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago. (As I’ve just learned, a Chargé oversees an Embassy when an Ambassador is not present.)

It was a blast to personally meet these people AND to present a grace-filled portrait of Jesus in the message. What an amazing opportunity!

Since English-speakers living in Costa Rica are the primary people we want to introduce to Jesus, I was ecstatic about this opportunity. This is one more example of how God has gone before us in this new adventure. Instead of me having to figure out how to get into the English-speaking embassies to introduce myself, God arranged to bring them to me. Isn’t that phenomenal?!

We held the service in a hotel conference room with superior amenities and acoustics than our current meeting location. Thankfully, the venue worked superbly and the room was full. That made this preacher’s heart happy! (The previous week we only had 18 people attend the service. ☹)

In all this, Pam and I are supremely confident that we see God’s hand at work. Please pray with us and for us. We will be taking some faith-stretching steps in the coming weeks that will position ECF to more effectively reach our community for Jesus.

On the home front, Pam returned to Costa Rica on November 5. She is feeling well, with very few side effects from the radiation. She has begun working out again with her personal trainer…which she says is “kicking her be-hind.” 😀 As you might imagine, it’s an incredible joy for me (and Millie) to have Pam at home again.

We are ever-grateful for your partnership in this grand adventure!