Prayers Appreciated

Pam has been diligent with ongoing monitoring since her breast cancer two years ago. However, a few weeks ago an anomaly appeared in one of her annual exams that was done in California in early June. Follow-up tests in Costa Rica allayed our concerns when the tests came back “all clear…everything is normal.”  

To be on the safe side, we decided Pam should travel to NorCal to get a second opinion. She arrived at Christina’s house over a week ago. At this point, it looks like Pam will need to remain in California until the end of July. This is because of the complexity of getting the appointments lined up for both doctors and medical tests.

Please join us in praying for….

·    Doctor appointments to open up in a timely manner.

·    And for the various test appointments to open up sooner-than-expected.

As you might expect, we would love to have Pam home as soon as possible with a resounding “all-clear” from the medical community.

We also have encouraging updates from English Christian Fellowship…

·       We recently launched simultaneous Spanish translation of our Sunday messages. This will broaden our reach into the surrounding community. This translation will be especially helpful among families where some speak English and others don’t.

·       Our new Worship Leader is named Carolina Amador. Caro is doing a wonderful job crafting our weekly worship services and leading ECF’s congregation to the throne of grace.

·       Last Sunday, I began a 14-week series through the book of Galatians. It’s been many years since I have been able to preach an entire 14-week series. I’m thoroughly enjoying it!

·      We are in the midst of launching a new Church Management Software system that includes things like a Kids Ministry check-in system. Up to this point, we’ve been “flying by the seat of our pants” in regards to our kids’ security. (Keep in mind, when Pam and I arrived, we were among the youngest people at ECF and we didn’t have any kids that came to church.)

·       We are still exploring options for a new meeting venue. However, some things are afoot at the Hilton Garden Inn that may result in our staying another year. I’ll keep you posted. In response to my last blog, many commented they were praying about this. Thank you! Please keep the prayers coming!

Thanks for your partnership with Pam and I. This is an odd time with Pam being in the US for several weeks and me being in Costa Rica. Prayers are appreciated.

