Whispering is Better than Shouting

When we pray, we align ourselves with God’s will. Prayer is far more about us surrendering to God’s will, then it is about us twisting God’s arm to get our will. God is God and we are not. I’ve tried to play God many times in the past thinking that I knew best. But it never works out.

So, in my best moments, I let God be God and I surrender to him (the best I can) in prayer. Jesus put it like this in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but your will be done.”

Surrendering in prayer frees me from hand-twisting anxiety. God knows what he’s doing and I trust his answer will be “the best” for me and for those I’m praying about.

Surrendering in prayer allows me to open-handedly accept answers from God that may be different than what I expected. It reminds me that God is God and I am not.

Surrendering in prayer moves my prayers from “clamoring and demanding” to whispering in God’s ear because he’s a Loving Father who always wants our best.

Recently, the Lord has responded to my prayers in unmistakable ways…

·    On Pam’s trip to the California, she received “all clear” on the medical reports related to her breast cancer. We thank God for this. But God doesn’t always heal. His ways are mysterious.  God is God and we are not.

 ·    We signed a one-year contract extension for ECF to continue meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn. This was completely unexpected. However, as we prayed, God moved the pieces of the puzzle and the hotel offered us more space and lowered the rent. After looking at alternative locations, it became clear that staying at the hotel was God’s answer to our prayers.

 ·    Every Sunday, I shake my head in amazement at the robust cadre of people who work tirelessly to make our worship experience meaningful. It wasn’t all that long ago when ECF was a mere handful. But last Sunday as we circled-up to pray before opening the doors, I realized we now have more volunteers serving than we used to have attending in the entire church. Each of the serving teams has been birthed and bathed in prayer. God is doing it his way in his timing.

I still use prayer lists. I still ask God to do things, to intervene, to change hearts and circumstances. But I don’t fret (most of the time). I whisper. I surrender. Gracious Heavenly Father, “Not my will but your will be done.” I’ve discovered that whispering is better than shouting.

I encourage you to do the same.

