Two Years

Pam and I just completed our second anniversary serving with English Christian Fellowship in San Jose, Costa Rica. The past two years have brought a whirlwind of changes in our lives and in the church we serve. This seems like an appropriate moment to pause and reflect. What have we learned?


Over time, it’s easy in ministry to develop a sense of entitlement. This is especially true for someone like me who “served his time” laying down carpet for 3+ years at the Sparks YMCA while we were planting Summit. It happened slowly. Almost imperceptibly. I didn’t even notice. But, bit by bit, I began to think that it was someone else’s turn to do the “grunt work” in ministry. Without realizing it, I began to think I was above certain tasks.

Then we arrived in Costa Rica to lead a motley crew of 10 people from ECF who were tired and discouraged. And there was no facilities team to carry boxes, no secretary to look up addresses, no worship pastor to craft services and no kids ministry leader to recruit volunteers and find curriculum. That was a rude awakening.

This meant that Pam and I had to begin doing things that we had not done in many years. Boil it all down to this: we had to serve. And serving is good. It makes us more like Jesus. After all, wasn’t Jesus the one who washed the muddy feet of the disciples?

I heard his voice more clearly than ever one Sunday as I was carrying boxes of equipment into the hotel for church. Under my breath, I said, “God, what’s wrong with this picture? Why am I carrying boxes? I used to have people who carried boxes? Good grief, Lord, I have a Doctor of Ministry! Isn’t this beneath me?”

Then, Jesus whispered into my soul, “Steve, never get too big to serve. Serving is good.”


The first six months in Costa Rica were discouraging. Pam and I poured our hearts out and, yet, we saw little progress. We had almost no visitors. The few that did come looked around at the tiny group who were meeting in a room large enough to seat 500+ people and practically ran out the doors when the service was over. Most never came back.  

It is desperate when even the Pastor doesn’t want to go church! Desperate times require desperate measures. So, we said (in proper Christian terms, of course), “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!”  

We moved the service time to Sunday at 11:00 AM. (The church had met for 40+ years at 5:00 PM Sunday evening.) We moved the venue to a hotel with a meeting room small enough to not feel swallowed up. We asked someone we hardly knew, someone who had not picked up his guitar in several years, to lead worship. We spent $50,000 on billboards plastered all over the city telling people about ECF. And we prayed.

Surprise, surprise…new people began showing up. They trickled in. One family and then another. Singles. English-speaking people from around the world. Some stayed. And the church began to grow. Slowly and steadily. This has continued for the past 18 months. Last Sunday we had 127 people in our service and the room was full of energy and life.

Growth is good. It gives life and hope to a congregation. Ben Merold was the pastor of my home church when I became a Jesus-follower. Ben once told me: “Steve, work to make this year’s highs next year’s lows.” The churches Ben served (and the churches I have served) have followed this trend. Perhaps the growth isn’t spectacular. But it’s growth. It’s is “up and to the right” slowly and steadily. And growth is good.


In God’s wisdom and sovereignty Pam and I were introduced to Rooted a few years before arriving in Costa Rica. I’ve often said that Rooted is the best combination of head, hands and heart discipleship I’ve ever experienced.  We have been able to use the 10-week Rooted journey to create a new culture at ECF that’s biblically sound, relationally healthy and Jesus-centered.

Next week, Pam and I will begin the seventh Rooted group that we have had at ECF since we arrived. Each of these experiences has provided the brick and mortar that gives spiritual substance to our emerging congregation. To become a Jesus-honoring church, it’s not enough to simply attract a crowd. The crowd also needs to be transformed into a biblically functioning community. Discipleship is good.


The past two years have been a season of constant surrender to God’s loving purposes.

·       Many times, Pam and I have both been incredibly lonely. We have had to surrender that loneliness to Jesus.

·       We have had to surrender again and again the ache in our hearts from living thousands of miles away from our children and grandchildren.

·       We have had to surrender the people who were once part of ECF but then decided to leave. This is always one of the hardest parts of ministry.

·       We have had to surrender Pam’s health.

·       We have had to surrender our finances.

·       We have had to surrender what we thought ECF would look like.

·       We have had to surrender comforts…Costa Rica is not the USA.

·       We have had to surrender to Jesus. Over and over and over.

After two years, Pam and I are different people and ECF is a different church. It’s been quite a journey. We asked the Lord for a new adventure. A new adventure is what he has given us. We thank Jesus every day for the unspeakable joy of living for him.


Steve and Pam


Whispering is Better than Shouting

When we pray, we align ourselves with God’s will. Prayer is far more about us surrendering to God’s will, then it is about us twisting God’s arm to get our will. God is God and we are not. I’ve tried to play God many times in the past thinking that I knew best. But it never works out.

So, in my best moments, I let God be God and I surrender to him (the best I can) in prayer. Jesus put it like this in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but your will be done.”

Surrendering in prayer frees me from hand-twisting anxiety. God knows what he’s doing and I trust his answer will be “the best” for me and for those I’m praying about.

Surrendering in prayer allows me to open-handedly accept answers from God that may be different than what I expected. It reminds me that God is God and I am not.

Surrendering in prayer moves my prayers from “clamoring and demanding” to whispering in God’s ear because he’s a Loving Father who always wants our best.

Recently, the Lord has responded to my prayers in unmistakable ways…

·    On Pam’s trip to the California, she received “all clear” on the medical reports related to her breast cancer. We thank God for this. But God doesn’t always heal. His ways are mysterious.  God is God and we are not.

 ·    We signed a one-year contract extension for ECF to continue meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn. This was completely unexpected. However, as we prayed, God moved the pieces of the puzzle and the hotel offered us more space and lowered the rent. After looking at alternative locations, it became clear that staying at the hotel was God’s answer to our prayers.

 ·    Every Sunday, I shake my head in amazement at the robust cadre of people who work tirelessly to make our worship experience meaningful. It wasn’t all that long ago when ECF was a mere handful. But last Sunday as we circled-up to pray before opening the doors, I realized we now have more volunteers serving than we used to have attending in the entire church. Each of the serving teams has been birthed and bathed in prayer. God is doing it his way in his timing.

I still use prayer lists. I still ask God to do things, to intervene, to change hearts and circumstances. But I don’t fret (most of the time). I whisper. I surrender. Gracious Heavenly Father, “Not my will but your will be done.” I’ve discovered that whispering is better than shouting.

I encourage you to do the same.






Prayers Appreciated

Pam has been diligent with ongoing monitoring since her breast cancer two years ago. However, a few weeks ago an anomaly appeared in one of her annual exams that was done in California in early June. Follow-up tests in Costa Rica allayed our concerns when the tests came back “all clear…everything is normal.”  

To be on the safe side, we decided Pam should travel to NorCal to get a second opinion. She arrived at Christina’s house over a week ago. At this point, it looks like Pam will need to remain in California until the end of July. This is because of the complexity of getting the appointments lined up for both doctors and medical tests.

Please join us in praying for….

·    Doctor appointments to open up in a timely manner.

·    And for the various test appointments to open up sooner-than-expected.

As you might expect, we would love to have Pam home as soon as possible with a resounding “all-clear” from the medical community.

We also have encouraging updates from English Christian Fellowship…

·       We recently launched simultaneous Spanish translation of our Sunday messages. This will broaden our reach into the surrounding community. This translation will be especially helpful among families where some speak English and others don’t.

·       Our new Worship Leader is named Carolina Amador. Caro is doing a wonderful job crafting our weekly worship services and leading ECF’s congregation to the throne of grace.

·       Last Sunday, I began a 14-week series through the book of Galatians. It’s been many years since I have been able to preach an entire 14-week series. I’m thoroughly enjoying it!

·      We are in the midst of launching a new Church Management Software system that includes things like a Kids Ministry check-in system. Up to this point, we’ve been “flying by the seat of our pants” in regards to our kids’ security. (Keep in mind, when Pam and I arrived, we were among the youngest people at ECF and we didn’t have any kids that came to church.)

·       We are still exploring options for a new meeting venue. However, some things are afoot at the Hilton Garden Inn that may result in our staying another year. I’ll keep you posted. In response to my last blog, many commented they were praying about this. Thank you! Please keep the prayers coming!

Thanks for your partnership with Pam and I. This is an odd time with Pam being in the US for several weeks and me being in Costa Rica. Prayers are appreciated.



A Tribute to Mike

I have been in vocational ministry for most of my life. As most of you know, I have served churches in Illinois, California, Wisconsin and Nevada, as well as in Chile and now Costa Rica. Pam and I have enjoyed a rich and meaningful life. We thank God every day for the privilege of living a life dedicated to the advancement of the cause of Christ.

However, long before I became a Jesus-follower, I wanted to become an attorney. I had this vision because I sincerely wanted to make the world a better place. I reasoned that becoming an attorney might lead to politics, and that would, perhaps, offer a platform to help make the world a better place.

Given today’s political vitriol, that dream from so many years ago seems almost fantasy. Instead of meaningful political discourse, most of what goes on today is diatribe and mud-slinging. (That’s putting it politely.)

Once I fell in love with Jesus, I chose to serve in ministry because I reasoned that the world will not change until hearts are changed. And only Jesus can change a human heart from selfish to selfless. I do not regret the decision to serve in ministry. Ever.

However, what many of you may not know is that my older brother, Michael, chose to become an attorney. I don’t know all of the reasons he chose that path, but I suspect that Mike, deep-down, also wanted to make the world a better place. He spent his career defending innocent clients and helping people. I’ve never asked Mike, but I seriously doubt if he ever defended a client, “just for the money,” if he knew the person was guilty. Mike is a better man than that.

Since retiring, Mike has kept his mind sharp by writing a blog that I would like to recommend to you. I’ve said for decades that Mike is the brilliant one in the Bond family. I got good grades and excelled mostly because I worked hard and studied hard. But Mike has a mind that causes mine to spin with admiration with his incisive and well-documented insights. He is truly brilliant.

I want to warn you that I don’t necessarily agree with everything Mike writes. But I guarantee he will cause you to think, especially about current political events. I hope many of you will take the time to click on the link below and read Mike’s recent blog posts. I’m quite sure they will be of interest to many of you.

Please by in prayer for Pam. She is in California this week for follow-up testing from her breast cancer. She had an unexpected unfavorable health report recently. Follow up tests in Costa Rica ruled out any recurrence. But we have sent Pam to CA for further evaluation just to make sure it’s nothing to be concerned about. Thanks in advance.

The Adventure Continues

Our week began by saying farewell to our oldest grandson, Peyton Denney. He spent several days with us in Costa Rica as a high school graduation gift. Pam and I had fun taking Peyton zip-lining, snorkeling and golfing. He’s a wonderful young man!

Tuesday and Thursday I walked down “memory-lane.” I was invited to speak for the chapel service at the Spanish language school that Pam and I attended 43 years ago on our way to Chile. Never in a million years did I ever dream that we would be back in Costa Rica. And never in a million years did I ever imagine I’d be back on the campus where Pam and I struggled to grasp Spanish pronouns and the subjunctive tense.

I was flooded with memories and filled with gratitude. God knew ahead of time what Pam and I would do in the years ahead. Knowing Spanish not only allowed us to serve in Chile, we also used Spanish often in our ministries in the US and continue to use it now that we’re back in Costa Rica. In God’s grace, Spanish has been a wonderful lifelong gift!

Tuesday evening, we hosted a Connection Group for 16 people from ECF. We’ve discovered that making friends is one of the greatest needs among internationals. However, the heavy slow-moving traffic between 5:00-7:30 PM is a formidable obstacle for people to commit to weekly meetings.  As a result, we’ve discovered that monthly potlucks geographically spread out around the Central Valley can be one venue to help people connect. They have been tons of fun!

Our Tuesday group was an example of the vast diversity in our international church community. We had people from Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, the US and the Philippians. Our two common bonds are English and Jesus. It continues to be fascinating to hear the stories from this wide array of human experience.

Wednesday, I was abruptly made aware that ECF will need to relocate from the Hilton Garden Inn. In full disclosure, we had already been looking. We’ve been averaging 130+ on Sunday and this is pushing the hotel’s limits, especially with kids ministry.

However, it wasn’t until my meeting on Wednesday with the hotel leadership that I realized we needed to move as soon as possible. Please keep this in prayer. We have a couple of intriguing options. But this will be the fourth location for our church since Pam and I arrived. Pray for wisdom as we make this crucial decision.

Initially, I was surprised by this new development. But once I calmed down, I realized (again) that nothing ever catches God off-guard. One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 2:10. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

This not only reminds us that we are God’s love-poem (the meaning behind “handiwork”), but also that he’s always working upstream to prepare good works for us to do.

In my case, this means God already has the next place for ECF to meet. But what does it mean in your case? What is God preparing for you to do? When we move in the direction that God points, it generally takes a step of faith. But it’s always an adventure!

Passing the Baton

Pam and I are the parents of four adult children who live in various locations throughout the United States. Since we don’t live near one another, it is a challenge to stay connected. Pam and I have attempted to mitigate this by coordinating an annual gathering of the “Bond clan.”

Once a year, we try to gather our four adult children and their families together in one location for a few days of fun, food and fellowship. As the grandkids have grown older, this has become more difficult due to summer sports, part-time work and other activities.

Some years Pam and I have rented a large cabin for the reunion. But not this year. This year we gathered at Jennifer’s home in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Our treasured annual “Bond clan” event took place last week. Everyone joined us except Rachel and her girls.

Jennifer’s husband, Ryan, is quite a chef. So, we ate like kings. The grandkids talked and hung out. Pam organized silly games that kept everyone laughing and having fun. Along the way, we also had a few meaningful and cherished conversations.

But my personal favorite moment took place one evening in the kitchen after dinner. You may or may not know this, but I have been the chief dish-washer in my family for my entire life. For reasons that I do not know, I enjoy washing dishes. Consequently, for as long as I can remember, whenever there is a gathering of people involving food, I inevitably end up in the kitchen after the meal washing the dishes.

But on this particular night, Tommy made it to the kitchen before I did. And he began working like a whirling-dervish washing the pots and pans and loading the dishwasher. Keep in mind, there were 14 of us for dinner, and Ryan is a chef who uses LOTS of dishes while he cooks. I arrived about fifteen minutes after Tommy had begun.

I started to pass him the dishes that needed washing, while drying the ones that were clean. In the dish-washing world, I took the role as the assistant. I was number-two while Tommy was number-one. We worked together quietly and efficiently. It took almost an hour to complete the task, but, in the end, the kitchen was spic and span.

As I thought about that experience later, I realized that what happened was a “passing of the baton.” I’m not sure that Tommy realized it, but he had assumed the lead role in a deeply ingrained Bond family ritual. And it felt good.

There were many treasured moments from this year’s “Bond-clan” gathering. But that was my favorite.



The Greatest Challenges

Last week, I wrote about the profound blessings that I’ve experienced as a Lead Pastor. This week, I will share the greatest challenges. I am aware that these are not unique to me. Most Lead Pastors also face similar challenges. By sharing my experiences, I hope you might better understand some of the angst that your Lead Pastor faces.

Difficult Personnel Decisions

One of the greatest challenges I’ve faced as Lead Pastor deals with personnel. On several occasions, I’ve had to make tough decisions to remove people from my ministry teams or dramatically change their roles. This has never been easy because ministry teams are more than “headcount” (like a business). These are friends and colleagues. We have prayed together, worked together, wept together and done spiritual battle together.

But as a church grows, it changes and so does the needs for its ministry personnel. Larry Osborne from North Coast Church says that every time a church doubles in attendance, it become an entirely new church. It is not simply a larger version of the church it once was. It becomes an entirely new church. I have experienced this.

Summit was at least three completely different churches during my 23-years as Lead Pastor.  And we needed three completely different ministry teams for each season. From launch to 1,000 we had one team. From 1,000 to 2,000 we had an entirely different team. And from 2,000+ we had another team altogether.  

As a church grows, it changes. Consequently, the make-up of its staff must also change.  Someone once put it like this: “What got us here, will not get us there.” As a Lead Pastor, this has required making difficult personnel decisions.  This has never been easy.

 The Weight of Money

Another challenge is what I call “the weight of money.” As a Lead Pastor, I have been the primary spokesperson for the vision of the churches I’ve served. And to accomplish God’s vision almost always requires money. This weight is relentless.

As a result, over the years, I have asked and asked and asked people to invest in the cause of Christ through the churches I’ve served. At points, this has grown weary for me, and I’m sure for the people in my congregations. But the vision of reaching more for Christ and growing them into fully devoted disciples is too important. So, I have pressed on.  

Leading capital campaigns has been especially draining. I led through five major capital campaigns at Summit, and four smaller “Next Step” campaigns. Prior to that, I led through a major campaign in Wisconsin. Each of these required enormous time, effort, and spiritual and emotional energy. Billy Graham once said that his New York crusade in 1957 drained him so much that he never regained the same strength again. In a similar way, I’ve wondered if each capital campaign I led took a small piece of my soul.  The weight on a Lead Pastor to raise money to fuel ministry is relentless.

 Living in a Fishbowl

It has also been a challenge to “live in a fishbowl.” Because of my role as Lead Pastor, my family (especially my four children) endured more scrutiny and criticism than if I had sold insurance or worked in a bank. I recognize that “living in a fishbowl” is part of the cost of being in senior leadership. But it has never been something that Pam and I enjoyed. Our kids enjoyed it even less.

 The Burden of Leadership

I don’t think I’m alone when I confess that I think constantly about the church I’m leading. I suspect this is true for most senior leaders, whether it’s in business, finance, medicine, sports, government, or media.

I wake up early with new ideas. I think about how to improve things when I’m driving. I pray constantly for God’s direction. As a Lead Pastor, I am always leading. I may travel two-thousand miles away for vacation, but the burden of leadership still simmers in private corners of my heart and mind.

 People Leaving the Church

It doesn’t matter if the church has 50 people of 5,000 people, it always hurts when someone leaves to go to another church across town. At some level, it feels like a personal rejection, like I wasn’t good enough, or like my church wasn’t good enough.

When a church grows larger, it can be less noticeable when people leave. But I almost always know. It’s curious how the same people tend to sit in the same place week after week. So, when a longtime attender suddenly disappears, I notice. I used to try to reach out. But a long string of unanswered emails ended most of my attempts. People make choices and when they choose to leave “my” church, it hurts. The closer the person is connected to me relationally, the more it hurts.

 Spiritual Target on My Back

One final challenge of senior leadership is the spiritual target I’ve had on my back. Satan is real and he is a devious adversary. Satan knows if he can take me down as a Lead Pastor, it will cause great harm to those in my congregation. So, he is constantly at work to discourage, to tempt, to provoke conflict at home and to distract.

With that long list of challenges, it’s a fair question to ask, “Why would anyone ever want to be a Lead Pastor?” The best answer I have is that this is what God has called me to be. Despite the challenges, I love what I do. God has wired me for this. Like Eric Liddell (the great Scottish Olympian and missionary) said about running, when I serve as Lead Pastor, I feel God’s pleasure. 

That said, I hope you will cut your Lead Pastor some slack the next time he takes a misstep. Pray for him. Don’t speak disparagingly about him. Cheer him on. And if the time comes when God calls you to leave, do so quietly and respectfully. After all, the church is still the Bride of Christ.

What I Have Enjoyed Most

I was team leader with our mission organization in Chile and have served as Lead Pastor with three different local churches (KMEFC, Summit and ECF). Recently, Pam and I were discussing the unique joys and challenges of senior leadership. Every ministry role has its own set of nuances.

However, since I’ve spent most of my life in the “first chair,” this is what I’m most familiar with. With this in mind, in this blog, I would like to share what I’ve most enjoyed in my role as a senior leader. In my next blog, I’ll share the greatest challenges that I’ve faced.

Without doubt, what I have most enjoyed as a senior leader has been seeing God’s vision for what could be in the future and then marshalling people and resources to accomplish that vision. By God’s grace, this happened in Chile and it’s happened in the three churches I have served. It’s a source of profound joy for me to visualize life-changing ministry that currently does not exist and then lead God’s people forward to create that ministry.

I am thoroughly enjoying this, again, as Lead Pastor at English Christian Fellowship. The initial months of our ministry in Costa Rica were not promising. When we began in August, 2021, the handful of faithful church members were discouraged and tired. Even Pam and I were not certain what the future would hold.

However, as time passed, we became increasingly aware that there were tens of thousands of English speakers in our area. As people began to trickle through our doors, we saw a clear trend. Most of our guests were English-speaking formerly active Christ followers who had been distanced from church and Christian community for many years. And they were hungry to make healthy new friends and yearned for a grace-filled, Jesus-centered fellowship.

Eventually, God made clear to us that he genuinely desired ECF to become a thriving healthy fellowship. I’m not sure if God’s plan is for ECF to become a church of thousands, but I am very certain that it’s his plan for ECF to become a church of many hundreds. I can see that vision as clear as my hand in front of me. And it’s my current joy to cast that vision to ECF’s leadership and congregation. 

Dreams and visions are my wheelhouse. Having dreams and visions about what could become realities, and then leading people to accomplish those dreams, is what I most enjoy about being a senior leader.

A close second would be creating culture. Another way to say this is that I have enjoyed setting the DNA of the organizations I’ve launched (or relaunched in ECF’s case). Over time (right, wrong, or indifferent) a ministry will begin to reflect the values and heartbeat of the senior leader. To me, this is both humbling and inspiring. This is humbling because I know all to well my own brokenness.

But it’s also inspiring for me. In the organizations I’ve had the honor to build from the ground up, we have had mostly healthy teams, that mostly loved well, that mostly cared deeply for people and that mostly were grace-filled. I chose to insert “mostly” in each of those statements because no faith organization is perfect. And the ministries that I’ve led have not been perfect either.  But, for the most part, they have been healthy, humble and Jesus-centered. This has been rewarding for me as a senior leader. I have thoroughly enjoyed setting the DNA for the ministries I’ve launched.

A third thing that has been life-giving for me as a senior leader has been the opportunity to call people into vocational ministry. Throughout the years in my role as a “first chair” leader, I’ve been able to identify gifts and talents in people that could be leveraged for the cause of Christ and, then, open doors for those individuals to step into full-time ministry. 15 people come to mind quickly. Many of them are still serving faithfully in Chile and in various locations throughout the USA.

It has also been a joy to see the ripple affect continue long after I stepped aside as senior leader. When we arrived “wet behind the ears” in Chile in May, 1982, we had no idea that forty-one years later a thriving national church would still be lifting high the banner for Jesus. It’s been almost two years since we stepped down at Summit and, by God’s grace, the church is enjoying its most fruitful season ever of ministry.

Last but not least, as a senior leader, it has also been a blessing to know that I have made a small difference for the cause of Christ. Long before I was a Jesus-follower, I was captivated by the song “Impossible Dream.” As an adolescent, when I was alone where no one could hear me, I would sing in my “outside voice” about “marching into hell for a heavenly cause.” Eventually, I fell in love with Jesus and better understood what that meant.

As a senior leader for most of my ministry career, it has been an honor to try to live this out. I realize that the world is still filled with hate, injustice and pain. But in a tiny way, in a few neighborhoods here and there around the world, as a senior leader, I think I have made a difference. And that is supremely rewarding.

In next week’s blog I will share the greatest challenges.




How We Get There Matters

One of the final steps to complete my Doctor of Ministry was “the defense” for my dissertation. I had spent the better part of a year writing the project. It was over 250 pages in length. My focus was leadership within the local church.

To “defend” my project, I traveled from Reno to Boston to meet with a review committee at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Since I am a perfectionist, I was appropriately confident that the committee would have abundant accolades for my carefully-written and well-researched efforts. It had been decades since I received anything less than an A in school. So, I assumed my Doctor of Ministry project would also be graded appropriately.

Imagine my surprise when the committee shredded my project from top to bottom. Throughout the document, I had quoted leadership experts from every imaginable background. I had done my due diligence. I am a bit of a “leadership fanatic.” Before I gave away my library to move to Costa Rica, I owned more books on leadership than any other topic. My strongest spiritual gift is “leadership.” For me, this is an area of vocation and avocation.

But the review committee was not impressed. As I mentioned, I had quoted dozens of leadership experts in the project. I had footnotes upon footnotes. But the committee asked two haunting questions to summarize their dismantling of my dissertation. “Steve, is leadership within the church (or any other ministry) the same as leadership elsewhere? Isn’t there something unique about God’s vision for ministry leadership?”

Those two questions resulted in me spending an entire year re-writing my project. Why? Because the review committee was correct!

Despite all my previous research and reflection, I had missed the one indispensable ingredient to biblical leadership. I had overlooked the essential key that separates ministry leadership from every other kind of leadership.  What is that key? LOVE.

Biblical leadership is not simply about moving the ball downfield. It’s more than marshalling resources to accomplish goals. Biblical leadership is more than goal-setting and then coordinating a team to reach those goals. If I understand Jesus correctly, doing leadership his way means that HOW we achieve goals is as important (and maybe even more important) than actually achieving those goals.

Jesus put it like this: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)

As a consummate goal setter, this rocks my world. This means if ECF grows to be 5,000 people, but our team does it by cajoling people or pushing people or using people instead of loving them, then we have not succeeded in God’s eyes. The metric that matters most to Jesus is not how large a ministry grows, but how well we love people. 

This week we are holding an offsite for ECF’s ministry team leaders. Our goal is to plan, pray and strategize about reaching the next level as a church. I have taken part in dozens of these kinds of retreats over the years. But this is my first at ECF. And one of the most important messages I will bring is this: How we get there matters.

Love is not an optional feature in church leadership…like leather upholstery might be in a car. Love is essential. Jesus made this very clear.

This is a game changer. This affects how we speak to one another, how we think the best about one another, how we pray for one another, how we encourage one another, how we hurt for one another, how we serve one another, how we submit to one another, how we value one another, how we correct one another, and so much more.

Love is not unique within the church. Love may also be present in business teams or sports teams and in many other types of teams. But it’s not optional in a Jesus-honoring ministry team. And I don’t want it to be optional at ECF either.

Setting ministry goals is important, no doubt. But how we get there is even more important.



What Are You Sloshing?

How do you respond when things do not go as you expected? I’ve been pondering this lately. In the past few weeks, a string of things happened that were not what I expected.

·       I had to unexpectedly wait five-hours for an appointment to show up.

·       A person I admire responded in a way that I did not expect.

·       A leadership decision I made had unexpectedly negative results.

·     My tax refund did not arrive as expected. (Still waiting on this one.)

I have been reflecting on my reactions to these events. There have been other things as well, but these will give you the idea. Life rarely goes how we plan. Things happen.

However, to be honest, I have not navigated these recent events in a way that I’m proud of. I have too-often been irritable, cranky and short with Pam and others. I have certainly not been living the “more and better life” that Jesus offers in John 10:10.

Thus, my question: Why is it that sometimes I react so poorly to intrusions in my carefully laid plans? Yet other times, when I’m the best version of myself, these unexpected disappointments hardly become a blip on the radar?

For me, the answer begins with the condition of my soul. When I first became a Jesus-follower, my college group Sunday School teacher was Pat Merold, wife of the preacher, Ben Merold. She once said, “When you carry a bucket of water and it gets knocked, what’s inside will come sloshing out. The same is true with us. When we get knocked unexpectedly, whatever is on the inside will also come sloshing out.”

The truth is, what has been sloshing out of Steve Bond in recent weeks has not been pretty. And, mostly, it’s because I’ve been pushing too hard and neglecting my soul-care. If I’m sloshing muck onto the people around me, it’s because I’m carrying muck inside of me.

It’s tempting to blame my mucky reactions on the person who made me wait five hours, or on the US government for taking too long with my tax return. But the truth is, my reactions are a reflection on me alone, not on anyone else or even my circumstances.

We see this beautifully illustrated in Acts 16. Merely because they were talking about Jesus, Paul and Silas had their backs flayed open with a “severe flogging” and they were held in chains with their feet in stocks. Not exactly a night at the Hilton. Yet, at midnight, they are joyfully praying and singing hymns.

This is not fiction. It’s not fantasy. This is a true story.

Do you know what was happening? When Paul and Silas were knocked, and they were knocked hard, the joy of the Lord sloshed out of them. Why? Because they were filled with the grace and love of Jesus.

The is the same with me. And you, too.

When my soul is full. When I’ve taken care to be close to Jesus. Hear his voice. Sense his love. Quietly receive his comfort and affirmation. Then, I don’t mind getting knocked because what sloshes out is kind and understanding and gentle.

So, I have my homework cut out for me. I need to slow down and pause long enough to refuel my soul with the love of Jesus, his Words, his warm and gentle presence. When my soul-tank is full, I almost always slosh out the fragrance of Jesus.

That’s what I want. Don’t you?